Lono's Work
Lono Ho'ala is a biochemist and student of natural medicine. He helps many people with devastating diseases like cancer, long-COVID, and many others heal when their doctors could not help them.
He is the inventor of numerous commercial water treatment systems and technologies and is the author of the bestselling book on water "Don't Drink the Water" endorsed by Dr. Andrew Weil, M. D.
Lono's greatest passion is the pursuit of wisdom. At the age of 13 he was sent by his parents to a Benedictine monastery where he began his path to priesthood. While there, he spent years studying the origin and development of western religions, as well as the shamanic systems of the native Americans and old-world Hawai'ians.
Lono is particularly fascinated about how the highest and best in each of these systems integrate so well with the wisdom expressed by the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.
Lono feels that it is vitally important that our youth learn the principles behind our country's founding. He worked extensively with W. Cleon Skousan, founder of the National Center for Constitutional Studies and author of "The 5,000 Year Leap," to install a "Hall of the Patriots" containing copies of our founding documents as well as biographies of our Founding Fathers in high schools across the country.
To Lono, the United States of America is a precious gift from God. The sacred principles upon which it was founded are eternally true and have been well-known and universally respected by many old-world cultures for thousands of years.
The most important of these is the idea that we come into this world with sacred space - what our Founding Fathers called “inalienable rights.” Citizens then hire government to do things we cannot easily do for ourselves as individuals. In other words, we get our rights from God - not government. History demonstrates that cultures that do not honor that principle eventually result in its population losing their freedom.
Lono is convinced that an awareness of the foundational principles upon which this country was built is of utmost importance. To this end he teaches these principles through a non-profit organization that can be found at www.hunawisdom.com.