You Are Unique . . . So Are We!
Our PASSION is to help you reach the pinnacle of health and wellness - safely and naturally.
When it comes to something as important as your well-being, one size does NOT fit all!
So we tailor a wide range of effective and natural wellness solutions especially for YOU ... based on YOUR individual needs and goals.
How? ... by blending holistic techniques used effectively for thousands of years with breakthroughs discovered by modern science to achieve astonishing results!
AU - The Symbol for GOLD
No longer just an element on the periodic table ...
... Awaken Unlimited - AU - is now your GOLD standard for natural wellness solutions too!
We use only sustainably-sourced, organic ingredients harvested straight from mother-nature ... certified for their purity and potency.
No harmful side-effects, no residual chemicals in your body, and no ridiculous costs compared to Big Pharma.
Awaken YOUR Unlimited well-being now!
Ancient Wisdom Empowered By Modern Science
We blend ancient wisdom, used effectively by naturopathic healers around the globe for centuries to treat disease, with the power of modern science to ensure our products are both safe and highly effective.
Whether you wish to enhance vitality, treat illness, improve performance, or increase energy - we have what you're looking for.
Is your drinking water safe? Pure? Healthy? Delicious?
Don't bet your health on it! Most water from the tap is loaded with chemicals and other toxins that can upset your body chemistry.
We proudly partner with LivingWaters™ Engineered Water Treatment Solutions to offer industry leading water purifiers - for safe, healthy & delicious water.
Microbiome Health & Rebalancing Experts
The trillions of microbes living in your body can either heal you ... or hurt you.
A healthy, balanced microbiome is the key to enhanced vitality and disease prevention. If you're already ill, rebalancing your microbiome is crucial to regaining lasting wellness.
Awaken Unlimited offers a breakthrough microbiome rebalancing cleanse program called ReVitaLight™ - tailored uniquely for your body and wellness goals.
ReVitaLight™ integrates several vital aspects of healing to make it one of the most powerful ways of healing chronic debilitating diseases that exists!
We Are A Complete Holistic Wellness Center.
From the world's most advanced water treatment systems, to cutting-edge protocols, to natural medicines, to the most awesome system of wisdom capable of unlocking an unparalleled degree of personal enlightenment and empowerment, we can help you, your family, and even your community find the health and wellness everyone deserves. Check out what we have to offer by exploring below.
Home of the LivingWaters™ Alkalizer, the most technologically advanced water system in the world!
The most powerful way to regain optimal health and wellness through rebalancing body chemistry and your microbiota.
Natural Medicines
Balance Body Chemistry with these Innovative Nutriceutical Products made with Organic, Natural Ingredients Independently Tested for Purity and Potency.
What Is Holistic Wellness?
The ancient Hawai'ians defined health as that state of being where life energy (mana) flows effortlessly in a state of balance with Reality. Their word for Reality is Huna. It is a word that refers to the "is-ness" of things, both at the level of the physical, as well as at the level of the spiritual. HunaWisdom™ incorporates western science and expands it by adding a similar form of Reality-based spiritual science that requires no belief. It teaches that everything Real can be Recognized - no belief is required.
Physical Health
The ancient Hawai'ians said that an interface existed between the body and its environment. For a person to be as healthy as possible required that "interface" to be in balance. Today, western science has discovered that each person has a microbiome composed of hundreds of species of bacteria, fungus, and other microorganisms responsible for your body's biochemistry. Once again, this ancient system of wisdom is proven to be true. One of our healing methods known as our ReVitaLight™ Protocol is specifically designed to re-establish this balance as the best way to heal chronic debilitating disease. Like all of HunaWisdom™ this protocol is miraculous in its effectiveness.
Spiritual Health
The ancient system of HunaWisdom™ sees spirit as the "blueprint" for form. Healing negative energies like fear/anger, frustration/confusion, and transcending unreal beliefs are vital for a person to be truly awake and alive. Those who take the path of HunaWisdom™ soon discover that it has unparalleled power to heal lives and set souls free. No belief is required - only a sincere desire to be more awake today than you were yesterday - every day for the rest of your life!
Relationship Health
The ancient system of HunaWisdom™ sees relationship to be a mirror - vital to the process of awakening. Healthy relationships are capable of unlocking ever-greater levels of spiritual capacity - if the people involved are willing to look into that mirror.
We teach the skills needed to be successful including conscious communication, humility, transcending "victim" consciousness, and how to replace the need to be "right" with the capacity to see Reality and live in harmony with it.
Community Health
Our communities are composed of families. Families can be defined as people who share genetics (blood) or people who share spiritual values. We see those who share values as your true family or as the Hawai'ians would say, your 'ohana - a Hawai'ian word that means "those who share the same inner (spiritual) breath." To be in spiritual harmony, we must share spiritual perspectives, which determine our value system.
Our Eagle's Nest 'Ohana is composed of those people who want to heal our families, our communities, and our world by being examples of love, responsibility, integrity, honesty, mastery of our individual gifts and talents, and sharing that mastery with others in a spirit of loving service.
Meet Our Staff
Lono Ho'ala - Biochemist, Author, & Authentic Kahuna Priest
Our Founder and CEO is Lono Ho'ala. He is a Kahuna La'au Lapa'au (the equivalent of a western biochemist, master herbalist, and naturopath) and Kahuna Kupua A'o (a master teacher of enlightenment.) He is the author of Don't Drink the Water - the best-selling book on water endorsed by Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D. as well as a many other works on water, natural medicine, and Huna. He is the developer of LivingWaters™ water treatment systems - widely considered the most technologically advanced water treatment systems in the world, as well as many natural medicines renowned for their effectiveness. He is a valued counsellor, having helped thousands of people heal their lives, relationships, and communities. Having "died" twice due to a serious electrical accident, he is well qualified to introduce his students to the Reality of the spiritual world and the true nature of God. He is the Presiding Elder of the HunaWisdom™ Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to restoring the principles of this ancient system of wisdom to our modern world.
Kaikelani "Lani" Ho'ala - Director of Operations
Lani is the "heart" of the business. She is responsible for running all aspects of the day-to-day operations of Awaken Unlimited, LLC. She is also a Kahuna priest, ordained in Hawai'i as Kahuna Kupua Pule or Master Teacher of Prayer. For over 40-years she has supported her husband Lono through some very challenging life experiences including two "near-deaths" due to an electrical accident. She is a beloved counselor and teacher of meditation. Her work ethic combined with her unfailing positive attitude and willingness to see the best in everyone causes friends, family, and our customers who get to know here to see her as a "living saint."
Lani's email: